ANE Signed Mutual Working Agreement With ROBA

ANE Signed Mutual Working Agreement With ROBA

ROBA and ANE are two local NGO that operate to address humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable communities of Ethiopia. ROBA had been established by concerned community leaders in the rural area of Oromia Region and had provided emergence and development services to the needy grass roots communities for the past 22 years. ANE, on the other hand, had been established by concerned intellectuals, government officials and community elders and operated in refugee, emergency and development program sectors for the past seven years. Both organizations are working under the legal license provided by the government and following the rules and regulation & ECSA.

Both organizations have similar vision and mission even though they have different and unique identity in that, ROBA is established owned and being lead by the grass roots communities, while, ANE had been established at the national level and rapidly grew in short time and currently implementing programs of larger scale, especially in refugee sector. ROBA is at the moment at the weakest development level of its past 22 years and seriously in need of urgent support to continue to function, while, ANE is currently in a strong and well strengthened development level of its past seven years and currently implementing large scale programs and gained trust and acceptance by all concerned, both locally and internationally.

ROBA got the opportunity to communicate & discus on its organizational situation with ANE. As a result, ROBA got the urgently needed support in the form of cash, kind, willingness knowledge and experience in the past three months.ANE, even though it has been young and emerging in the humanitarian sector, showed and provided the required support to ROBA for urgent and sustainable development that ROBA needed at the moment.

In order to share their unique experiences and mutual benefits in the process of their operations, both organizations reached an agreement to cooperate and collaborate for the coming five years. Agreement is confirmed by the MOU signed by both parties.

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